From 3.22.16 – 3.24.16 an IVR based poll was conducted in Wisconsin of likely Republican presidential primary voters. The poll was has an N = 6,182(!), weighted, stratified listed sample at the statewide level and each individual congressional district. Yes, each congressional district. Delegate math junkies here is your fix.
Archive: March 2016
From 3.22.16 – 3.24.16 an IVR based poll was conducted in New York of likely Republican presidential primary voters. The poll was has an N = 14,232(!), weighted, stratified listed sample at the statewide level and each individual congressional district. Yes, each congressional district. Delegate math junkies here is your fix.
The math says Trump can’t get the votes of women in his own party; he will need to consider rethinking his strategy before he even looks at his odds of capturing Democratic and nonpartisan voters.
Who are Trump’s people? While bricks may be the building blocks to Trump’s skyscrapers, we’re going to use statistics to see what demographics are the building blocks of someone who likes Donald Trump.